McMaster University recognizes that the University and surrounding Hamilton area, including their nature spaces, are situated on traditional territories shared between the Haudenosaunee confederacy and Anishnaabe nations. These lands are protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum belt. The wampum uses the symbolism of a dish to represent the territory, and one spoon to represent that the people are to share the resources of the land and only take what they need.
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Hyde Tract

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

A 350 acre Crown land property owned and managed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

The property is open to the public for recreational day use and a network of multi-use trails can be found here. Mountain-biking, horseback riding, hiking, and cross-country skiing are popular activities here.

The property boasts a wide variety of species, with rich forests and swamps making it ecologically diverse.

The property is managed by the Guelph District OMNRF.

Hyde Tract Website

Directions From McMaster University:

Area Photo Gallery:
