McMaster University recognizes that the University and surrounding Hamilton area, including their nature spaces, are situated on traditional territories shared between the Haudenosaunee confederacy and Anishnaabe nations. These lands are protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum belt. The wampum uses the symbolism of a dish to represent the territory, and one spoon to represent that the people are to share the resources of the land and only take what they need.
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In the News

News Listing

The Silhouette  ➚

Restoring nature, one tree at a time

McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

Hamilton Spectator  ➚

Controlled burn planned Tuesday at McMaster Forest Nature Preserve

Local Natural Areas, McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

Brighter World  ➚

Shell game: Uncommon wild bee thrives by nesting in old snail shells

McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

Hamilton Spectator  ➚

Planting trees to make a difference

McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

Daily News  ➚

Earth Day tree planting marks new phase for McMaster Carbon Sink Forest

McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

The Wood Duck  ➚

Autumn Recrudescence of American Woodcocks in 2021

McMaster Forest

Daily News  ➚

Students and volunteers expand McMaster Carbon Sink Forest

McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

Daily News  ➚

Student-led tree projects win sustainability award

McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

Hamilton Spectator  ➚

Sharing the stories of McMaster’s many trees

McMaster Forest, Nature Stories

MAC the Magazine  ➚

McMaster’s Secret Garden

McMaster Forest